Being #together means enjoying each other’s company in social settings. We organize various activities to have fun and continue building a strong culture together. These events allow us to connect on a more personal level and spend time with colleagues from other departments that we may not work with daily. Our dedicated “Party Patrol” takes charge of planning events and activities. Everyone gets to pitch in their ideas, and the team works hard to make them happen.

Yearly sporting traditions
Every year, when spring finally starts to take its toll on Oslo, we know it’s time for one of our most anticipated traditions: the Holmenkollen Relay. It has become a fixed point in the calendar and is undoubtedly one of the activities we look forward to the most.
We'll probably never win the race, but in true Bluetree spirit, we give it our all. We primarily compete against ourselves, with the goal of beating last year's time. If we don't? No problem – the most important thing is to have fun together.
Once all the legs are completed and we have experienced max pulse (some more than others), it’s time for a well-deserved party. Whether we fire up the grill or go out to eat, we adjust our plans according to the weather. One thing is for sure: we have never failed to have fun after the race!

Educational evenings and kickoffs
At Bluetree, we highly value both professional development and social cohesion, which is why we regularly organize educational evenings and host our annual kickoff events. These gatherings offer us a valuable opportunity to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and strengthen our sense of community within the company. We believe that a good balance between professional growth and social activities is key to building a strong and dynamic team.
One of the major highlights of the year is our annual autumn kickoff. This event not only focuses on the professional challenges we face, but also aims to motivate and inspire our amazing colleagues. Through presentations, workshops, and social activities, we recharge our energy to approach the autumn with enthusiasm and commitment. In other words – there’s no autumn blues here!
We leave the kickoff feeling inspired and ready to dive into exciting projects together.

Yes, we are gamers!
At Bluetree, it's perfectly fine to unleash your inner nerd – both at work and in your free time!
We value enthusiasm and passion, whether it is professional interests or personal hobbies, which is why we've established our own gaming team: Bluetree Skills, Kills og Pils.
Currently, we are active in corporate leagues for both Counter-Strike and Rocket League, where we combine in-person gaming and online play.
Our gaming team is part of what makes Bluetree an exciting and inclusive workplace. It helps us forge connections across different professional backgrounds – where there's definitely room for both "Skills, kills og pils"!

Afterwork at the office
On the last Friday of every month, anyone who wants to join gathers for our regular afterwork at the office. This is an informal get-together where we can relax and chat with colleagues. While a small number of our events may have a higher threshold, the afterwork at the office is definitely a low-pressure affair. It’s all about enjoying each other's company in a relaxed atmosphere.
In addition to good food, we often organize various games – whether it's board games, quizzes, or other fun activities.
The freedom to come and go as it suits you has made the afterwork a popular feature of the Bluetree culture. It’s a perfect way to wrap up the month, and it’s always something we look forward to!
Let's have a chat
We're always looking for the right candidate for our team
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